Costa Vasili
John Bevitt
President-elect, Governance Chair and Finance Chair
Rob Roy Rankin
Membership Engagement Chair
James Murray
Forum Chair
Jacob Spencer
Forum Chair
David Fastuca
Communications Chair
Anthony Lam
Learning Chair
Allan Dib
Learning Chair
Ryan Spaccavento
Accelerator Chair
Janice Tan-Howard
Membership Chair
Simon Collins
Membership Chair and Strategic Alliance Chair
Dim Nedanovski
Strategic Alliance Chair
Kirsten Yokoyama
Chapter Manager
Olivia Poynton
Events Manager
Board Roles
The President’s role is to set the theme and overall goals (in line with the three-year plan) and lead the board to ensure that members have the best membership experience.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as President.
President Goals:
Reach the Chapter’s annual KPIs in line with the three-year plan
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
President Activities:
Select the theme for the year
Select the strategy and KPIs for the year (in line with the three-year plan)
Work with the incoming board to create their own KPIs and strategy to achieve the annual Chapter KPIs
Understand and help board members achieve their own personal board goals
Design an exclusive leadership program for board members such as the Chapter Leadership Program (CLP)
Work with the Chapter Manager to ensure all governance is being followed
The aim of the Board in general is to deliver optimal value to all of our members for the year.
In order to deliver this aim, the Board expects to utilise membership funds, sponsorship contributions and any other revenues generated to create outstanding learning events, networking opportunities and other value-enhancing initiatives. The Chapter does not expect to make any specific surplus or deficit – but will endeavour to ensure that all Members get full value for their membership for the year ahead.
The Finance Chair is responsible for monitoring, reporting, and managing all of the other Chairs in controlling, the financial aspects of running the Chapter.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Finance Chair.
Finance Chair Goals:
Liaise with fellow board members to understand their financial needs for the year
Create a realistic budget for the Chapter and each Chair for the year – based on an agreed plan and agenda developed by the Board
Hold the other board members accountable for their budgets
Keep accurate and detailed financial records including accounts receivable and accounts payable
Stay up to date on Chapter, Area, Regional and Global initiatives
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Finance Chair Activities:
Regularly liaise with fellow board members to understand their financial needs for the year
Create and keep an update of the budget for the chapter
Hold other Board members accountable for their budgets
Ensure that the Chapter keeps accurate and detailed financial records
Regularly report the performance of the Chapter relative to the budgets
The Membership Chair is responsible for recruiting high-quality individuals into the Chapter based on the Global qualification criteria and an understanding of the Chapter’s requirements for applicants to demonstrate the highly critical values of trust and respect. The Membership Chair may also take into consideration any other Board requirements from time to time with the aim of maintaining broad member satisfaction.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Membership Chair, and by signing this document you accept the obligations, which are expected of you in fulfilling these positions during your tenure as Membership Chair.
Membership Chair Goals:
Identify, educate and close potential applicants as members of the EO Melbourne Chapter
keeping in mind the Chapter’s overall goals and
ensuring that applicants demonstrate the values of trust and respect and will generally integrate well into our Chapter
Establish a realistic goal for the introduction of new members and a strategy to achieve it
Consider any aims to target more female membership
Consider aims to diversify business interests
Implement the strategy identified
Maintain awareness of the Board’s goals for member satisfaction and renewal intentions
Establish a process with the Integration Chair and the Forum Chair to integrate new members into Forum and with other members of the Chapter
Liaise with fellow board members to monitor Chapter objectives
Stay up to date on EO Chapter, Area, Regional and Global initiatives
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Membership Chair Activities:
Create a realistic new member and retention goal
Identify prospective members by utilizing resources such as member referrals
Establish and implement a new member induction system
Establish and implement a new member integration system together with the Integration and Forum Chairs
Drive the renewal campaign in your chapter with the goal of achieving maximum retention
As Strategic Alliance Chair, your mission is to build a sustainable folio of corporate partners that support the Members of our Chapter via extended benefits and financial contribution.
To accomplish this, you will ensure we are regularly prospecting with new and exciting Chapter Sponsors and where possible, integrating them into the Chapter ensuring mutual benefit and growth to the relationship.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Strategic Alliance Chair.
Strategic Alliance Chair Goals:
To develop a workable and systemised pipeline of new sponsors for the chapter
To harness relationships with these prospecting businesses
To discover and negotiate exciting member benefits from the corporate partners
To raise revenue for the Chapter by adding to the yearly budget
To organize half-yearly events for sponsors
To invite Sponsors to EO events and ensure their engagement
To maintain and grow relationships and ensure a strong ongoing relationship
Building a team of EO Members to assist you in running the Program and to eventually succeed you as Strategic Alliance Chair
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters in Australia, New Zealand or around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Strategic Alliance Chair Activities:
Create a realistic new Participant and retention goal
Implement a new Participant system
Identify prospective Participants by utilizing resources such as member referrals
Drive a renewal campaign with the goal of achieving maximum retention
Create systems for Program continuity post completion of your role
Mentorship is a program that creates an impact on the deepest level. It engages members in synergistic, one-on-one relationships that accelerate personal development by focusing on goals, accountability and results. It’s a platform for gaining new perspectives, sharing feedback and learning from another’s experience in an intimate setting. Whether serving as a mentee or a mentor, members rank mentorship as one of the most valuable experiences in EO.
Goals of a Mentorship Chair:
Your goal is to set up and support healthy mentoring relationships that accelerate personal and professional growth for participants, and create happier, more satisfied members for your chapter.
To achieve this, you will:
Recruit and select strong mentorship participants.
Match mentees and mentors into complementary pairs.
Prepare everyone for a strong relationship through a training session.
Follow up to ensure things are going well; provide support if needed.
Celebrate the end of the mentorship and provide options to transition from a formal relationship.
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time on the Mentorship Committee or on the experiences you may have discussed with members of other Chapters in Australia, New Zealand or around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Mentorship Chair Activities:
Recruit and select strong mentorship participants via relationships with your entrepreneurship community (Accelerator, GSEA, WPO/YPO, university programs, SCORE, etc)
Match mentees and mentors into complementary pairs
Prepare everyone for a strong relationship through a training session
Follow up to ensure things are going well; provide support if needed
Celebrate the end of the mentorship with outgoing and incoming Mentorship Program Participants’ party
Establish strong relationships with your entrepreneurship community (Accelerator, GSEA, WPO/YPO, university programs, SCORE, etc) for potential Mentors and Mentees
As Key Executive Chair, your mission is to continue to build and strengthen the Key Executive Program.
Your mission is to empower and align EO members with their key executives and provide the tools, accountability, community and support to aggressively scale and master business best practices and become better leaders.
Your mission is to empower and align EO members with their key executives and provide the tools, accountability, community and support to aggressively scale and master business best practices and become better leaders.
The Communications Chair is responsible for the coordination of all aspects of Chapter communications including event communications and invitations, event and other emails to members, the Chapter’s (Member Information Book), the website, Facebook pages, SMS surveys, sponsor and potential member communications and marketing materials, general advertisement, PR and other promotional opportunities.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Communications Chair, and by signing this document you accept the obligations, which are expected of you in fulfilling these positions during your tenure as Communications Chair.
Communications Chair Goals:
Create messaging for chapter communications on a regular basis
Liaise with fellow board members and assist them with their messaging materials
Co-ordinate event invitations
Proactively work with the media for external communications
Stay up to date with Chapter, Area, Regional and Global Initiatives and ensure that members are made aware of the initiatives through coordinated communication responses
Develop systems for Membership communications that are sustainable and can be passed on to your successor in the Communications Chair role
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters in Australia, New Zealand or around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit. Please summarize them in the Appendix to this statement, so that they can be quickly reviewed and considered by the Board on the day.
Communications Chair Activities:
Create messaging for chapter communications on a regular basis
Co-ordinate monthly Newsletter
Assist with Active Campaign Automation Plan
Liaise with fellow board members and assist them with their messaging materials
Co-ordinate event invitations
Proactively work with the media for external communications
Stay up to date with Chapter, Area, Regional and Global Initiatives and ensure that members are made aware of the initiatives through coordinated communication responses
The Learning Chair is responsible for scheduling, planning and coordinating a variety of learning, social and once-in-a-lifetime events that are captivating and informative for the Chapter membership. These events are the largest expense of the Chapter and are therefore a major part of the value derived out of membership – it is, therefore, a key responsibility to deliver exceptional experiences out of these events.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Learning Chair.
Learning Chair Goals:
Build events calendar with monthly learning events
Deliver events offering high learning content, interesting social interactions and experiences which cannot easily be accessed outside of EO
Assist with the marketing strategy (invitations) for events to grow member attendance
Input speakers and ratings into the Speaker’s Database – to share with other Chapters
Liaise with fellow board members for ideas on events, locations, invitations, speakers, topics or issues that will add value to our Members
Assist with the planning and implementation of the Chapter Retreat
Offer opportunities for members from around Australia and New Zealand to attend or participate in our events and ensure that these members are made aware of the opportunity to attend or participate
Assist in co-ordinating any speakers that are doing multi-chapter events around Australia and New Zealand
Stay up to date on Chapter, Area, Regional and Global initiatives
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Learning Chair Activities:
Develop an events calendar that the members get value from
Deliver events of outstanding quality
Ensure that events are held within budget expectations
Help develop and implement marketing strategies or interesting invitations to promote events
Appoint and collaborate with day chairs or Forum Chairs on event logistics
Input speakers and ratings in the Speakers Database
As Accelerator Chair, your mission is to continue to build and strengthen the Accelerator program providing a steady stream of graduating members.
To accomplish this, you will work to ensure that every participant integrated into the program has a scalable business that is dedicated to growth and creating a valuable learning experience for the participants in order to foster business growth and create initial relationships with a number of EO members.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Accelerator Chair.
Accelerator Chair Goals:
To develop and run a successful Accelerator Program through the introduction and retention of Participants
To deliver a strong Accelerator Learning program to Participants
Overseeing Accelerator accountability groups
Organizing quarterly events for Accelerator Participants
Inviting participants to occasional EO events
To introduce participants to EO Melbourne and excite participants about the opportunity to become an EO Member once qualified
Graduate participants into EO Melbourne when qualified
Building a team of EO Members to assist you in running the Program and to eventually succeed you as Accelerator Chair
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas may be generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may discuss some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Accelerator Chair Activities:
Create a realistic new member and retention goal
Identify prospective members by utilising resources such as member referrals
Establish and implement a new member induction system
Establish and implement a new member integration system together with the Integration and Forum Chairs
Drive the renewal campaign in your chapter with the goal of achieving maximum retention
Forum is consistently considered the number one benefit of EO. The Forum Chair is responsible for the training and placement of new members into forums and for fostering optimum forum health across the Chapter.
Together, we have identified the following goals, responsibilities, benefits and expectations of you in your position as Forum Chair.
Forum Chair Goals:
Ensure members are trained and placed in a Forum within 90 days of joining EO
Ensure that Moderators or elects are trained
Stay up to date on Chapter, Area, Regional and Global initiatives
Conduct Moderator Breakfasts at least every 2 months – to ensure that the Moderators are informed of Chapter events as well as local, area, regional and global initiatives, with the expectation that this information will be passed on to the members of each of their forums
Stay informed of forum issues through regular communication with Moderators and offer support or guidance to Forums to deal with issues as needed
Liaise with fellow board members regularly to ensure that you are aware of what is going on within the Chapter
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
EO Forum Chair Activities:
Work with membership chair to anticipate recruitment drives and training logistics
Help coordinate and communicate forum training logistics
Manage member forum placement based on agreed criteria
Conduct regular Moderator Breakfasts
Liaise with and manage forum moderators and provide guidance where Forums implode, members change forums or a new Forum is launched
Liaise with EO Global Support Services where necessary
The Engagement Chair is responsible for onboarding new Members, providing a seamless transition into the EO community, invigorating tenured members, facilitating member connections and generally ensuring member satisfaction.
Together, we have identified the following goals, rewards, expectations, responsibilities and commitments, required of you in your position as Integration Chair.
Engagement Chair Goals:
Establish and implement a process to integrate new members into the chapter
Establish and implement a process to invigorate the more tenured members
Create member networking events and other integration opportunities
Maintain awareness of member satisfaction and renewal intentions
Liaise with fellow board members to assist with their membership and related activities
Stay up to date on Chapter, Area, Regional and Global initiatives
To achieve these goals or other objectives for the Chapter, you may have a number of ideas and initiatives that you wish to pursue. Many of these ideas would have been generated during your time at the GLC based on the experiences of other Chapters around the world. You may also have discussed some ideas with your predecessor during succession meetings. You should raise these ideas for consideration with the Board at the Strategy Summit.
Engagement Chair Activities:
Attend and welcome new Members at the New Member Welcome Drinks (after Forum Training, every 2-3 months subject to in-take numbers)
Implement a new member integration system
Implement a tenured member invigoration process
Plan and implement member networking events
Work with other Board Members to develop ideas to improve member integration and involvement with EO initiatives – and implement them
Create a realistic member retention goal
MyEO is member-led events and groups within the Entrepreneur’s Organization for EO members who aspire to be unique and intentional—about their entrepreneurial and personal journey.
It is an effortless way to connect to your interests and passions at any time.
MyEO is the only programme that allows EO members to curate a tailor-made curriculum of groups and events so that they may get the exact experience they desire.
Your goal is to to increase member engagement through the MyEO platform. As your chapter’s expert resource, you help engage and retain members by encouraging their participation in MyEO Events, Groups and Premier Groups.
To achieve this, you will:
Increase awareness of MyEO Events, Groups and Premier Groups within your chapter
Educate your chapter about MyEO tools available for launching activities
Encourage and engage your chapter members to participate in MyEO activities
Align MyEO chapter and regional goals—and work with the MyEO Expert in your region to implement them
Increase the number of MyEO Champions (people who create a MyEO Event or Group) in your chapter
Benefits of being the Mentorship Chair
Increased chapter member retention (93 percent of members participating in MyEO initiatives renew)
Increased chapter member engagement and satisfaction
Increased value received from EO by chapter members
Opportunity to lead at a chapter level
Opportunity to foster regional leadership relationships
Opportunity to attend GLC’s MyEO Track as a chapter board member
Become a leader in EO—the more you will give, the more you will receive
What past & Present EO Board members have said
“‘’Being a part of the EO Melbourne Board for the last 3 years has been an incredible learning opportunity as well as a way to connect with more members. Most importantly though, it is a great way that I can give back to an organisation that has given me so much in terms of my professional and personal development.’’”
““I volunteer on the EO Melbourne board for personal and professional growth, and to give back. Learning from incredible leaders has been rewarding, and helping our community means so much to me. Joining has been a fantastic experience and I recommend it to all members!””
“I am a firm believer in ‘giving back.’ That is what serving on EO Melbourne’s Board gives me — the opportunity to give back for all of the opportunities I have received through my time as a member. What I did not realise prior to joining the Board were the outstanding leadership training and experiences that would be available to me, and those have taken my EO journey to a whole new level. I strongly encourage all members to consider a role on the Board.”
“Serving on the Board and as President of EO Melbourne is a masterclass in influence and leadership. In addition to being an awesome responsibility, serving on the Board has instilled in me confidence and fortitude that I have taken with me in every facet of my life. I cannot recommend serving on the Board enough.”
“It’s an incredible honour to have been the President and custodian of EO Melbourne. My year as President has been one of the most fulfilling of my life, both professionally and personally, and I encourage every Member to consider joining the Board as an opportunity for growth and development.”
“Serving on the Board is one of the greatest experiences of my EO journey (outside time with my amazing Forum). Lessons in communication, influence and leadership were just some of my key learnings during my time on the Board. I strongly encourage all Members to get involved.”