Tips on identifying your market segment

Your product or service is not for everyone. It is not something that can cater to people across all ages, income levels, sectors or geographic areas. Even if you are producing a variety of items that can fill up a department store, it doesn’t mean you can sell to anyone. Trying to do so can result in wasting your time, effort and resources, which is not a strategic way to do business.


Certain ventures operate B2B (business-to-business) while others are B2C (business-to-consumer). Nevertheless, it is still necessary to profile the type of clients that are being targeted so that messages, activities and tactics are geared towards them. In a roomful of people, can you determine which ones will be attracted to your brand and will say yes to your offer?

People nowadays are getting more diverse as new interests, priorities and needs prop up as time goes by. It’s not enough to say that you are aiming for mothers. There are first-time moms, single moms, young mothers, moms with teenage kids, working moms, stay-at-home moms, aging moms, and many more. Go specific on the segments you are targeting, especially those that will give you the most ROI to your business.

Segmenting your target market will help you focus your marketing initiatives. While you welcome anyone who will avail of your product or service, your budget and endeavours can be poured towards groups that will likely patronise your brand. They are the segment that looks at your merchandise or offering as a solution to their problems and needs. But, who are they? How do you define the market segments to target? Here are a few tips.

Observe your current customers

Have a careful look at the kind of people that enter your store or office. Observe their buying habits, characteristics and behaviours. What are the commonalities among these individuals? Is there something similar that they share?

Gather data on their demographics and psychographics

Some companies give out feedback forms or conduct surveys. These are ways of getting data from your current and prospective clientele. Know their gender, age, location, income levels, occupation, marital status and other information. Learn about their hobbies, interests, lifestyle, preferences, values and beliefs. These details will help you understand better the segments that will likely patronise your brand.

Profile your customers or clients

Once you have all these observations and information with you, group them and profile them. Analyse the profile of the majority in your market segments. Your primary target may be middle-age working moms who love to take charge of things at work and at home. The secondary market may be young ambitious males who want to lead an independent life.

Engage and interact with them

Gathering information and profiling your market is not enough. You have to communicate and interact with them. Get into their psyche. What do they find most satisfying about your product or service? What makes them connect to your brand? Understand their needs and wants and how your business plays a part in helping them satisfy those necessities and desires.

Constantly update your database

There’s a saying that the only constant in this world is change. Your business may evolve over time. Your target market will get older or experience things in life that will alter their perspective, preferences or priorities. Update your database every now and then and review your market segment every time you gather at the drawing board to plot your marketing strategies.

Check your competition and industry

Also, take time to see the customer base of your direct competitors. Look at the entire industry and the market that they serve. How do you differ from one another? What makes your target market segments drawn to your competitors? What is your positioning in the industry compared to other players in the field?

Segmenting your target market groups also helps you refine your brand and imaging. It is also a major factor to consider as you grow your venture. More importantly, knowing more about them establishes rapport and strengthens the relationship with your clients and customers, something that is at the core of every business.