President's Update - June 2022

From the President


This is my final newsletter update and it has been an honour to serve as President. It will be 19 months since I stepped into the role, and it has been a truly amazing experience. Many members have asked me what it is like to take on the Presidency. I have been reflecting on this of late and outline my thoughts below.

Firstly, it was not easy leading during the pandemic, as there were many occasions the Board and I had to abort planned events after many hours of preparation. It was certainly frustrating, but I learned that I could be resilient and creative when required. We pivoted to virtual events, but I also learnt that as social creatures, virtual or hybrid events will never fully replace face to face events. The need to greet someone with a friendly hug and just spend time together in the same space is invaluable to creating a community. Having a coffee or a glass of wine with someone is about building a deeper rapport which is difficult to achieve virtually. 

I had to make many decisions around planned events during my term and I learned that having a good team around me to participate in brainstorming was invaluable. I learned to make decisions quicker and listen to my gut the longer the pandemic hovered. In turn, I found myself being able to make quicker decisions in my work and family life which has created surprising benefits. 

The President's role commitment meant that on occasions, I needed to let my leadership team within my own business make decisions without me. I realised that I was empowering my team to make more decisions, and they were thriving, as a result. There were times when my new role also meant having tough conversations, but I learned that by using compassion and being curious, an acceptable outcome could be achieved. 

The President role has also allowed me to travel globally and meet peers from across the globe. The connections I have made and the experiences I have shared with like-minded entrepreneurs will be with me for many years to come. Learnings such as fearless introspection, being adaptable, not needing to be the smartest person in the room and being transparent are behaviours I will continue to develop. Leading peers is a tough role because it is leadership by influence, and since all Board members are business owners, hence, we are all equals. It makes you appreciate the difference between leadership and management as no one on the Board wants to get told what to do as they are highly capable people. 

The Chapter is in a very healthy position and plans are well-developed to ensure that we continue to thrive as a community. I look forward to seeing many of you at our end-of-year gala dinner in a few weeks where I will hand over the Presidency to Damian Blumenkranc, who will take over and continue to deliver life-changing experiences. 

Warmest regards, 


Socrates Capouleas
President 2021/2022, EO Melbourne