Member Focus Series: Fiona White

As we dive into this Member Focus feature, we’re thrilled to introduce Fiona White, the visionary Founder and Director of Own Body, and a celebrated entrepreneur with a keen eye for innovation in the health sector. Fiona’s journey began with a simple yet profound question: "Why can't it be simpler?"—a question that led to the creation of Own Body, a mobile allied health service that prioritises connection, a holistic approach, and client empowerment.

With over 100 dedicated clinicians and staff across Melbourne, regional Victoria, Sydney, and South East Queensland, Fiona's mission is clear: to enable people to maximise their potential and positively impact the world. Awarded the 2019 Telstra Victorian Small Business Women's Award, Fiona continues to inspire through her leadership, passion for empowering others, and commitment to simplifying healthcare delivery. Today, she shares insights from her remarkable journey, her approach to leadership, and the values that drive Own Body’s success.

Q: Can you provide a brief background about yourself, your family, and your business?

I run a home visit healthcare company called Own Body Mobile Health Services. We employ around 100 people, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, and our admin and management team. My husband and I have two young children, aged 1 and 4, and I’ve been able to structure my business so I can work part-time.

Q: What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

All of my friends were doing it! I knew I wanted to create something, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was at first. The company has evolved significantly from my initial vision of simply making some extra cash on my way home from my full-time physio job.

Q: What aspects of being an entrepreneur do you enjoy the most?

I love the constant change and challenge, but mostly, I enjoy solving problems. My current passion is empowering my team to lead and take ownership of operations, which allows me to focus on the fun stuff! I managed to take maternity leave with both kids, and it was one of the best things I could have done for my business.

Q: What significant challenges have you encountered as an entrepreneur?

People! Everyone has different opinions, which makes keeping everyone happy a complex task. However, working to solve this challenge and resulting in engaged, happy team members has been a major key to our success.

Q: What motivated you to join EO?

I was part of the Accelerator Program for a few years, which really helped grow my business from $250K (just scraped in) to over the $1 million mark. At the time I was eligible to become a member, I was also wanting to start a family. I was driven to go 'all in' as a mum and take a proper mental break from 'being inspired' all the time. So, I decided to pause becoming a member, with the plan to return when I was ready to dive back in.

Q: Can you share a valuable lesson you’ve learned from your own experience or from another entrepreneur or mentor?

It’s difficult to pinpoint just one lesson, as so much of what I’ve learned has come from experience shares with other entrepreneurs. One of the most valuable things EO offers is the magic of 'thinking big'. Most physios seek education from other physios, who might be great at what they do, but that approach only leads the profession to aim for the same level. EO encourages us to think beyond those limits.