Walking the Path of Mentorship: A Journey with Jacob Spencer and Amanda Walker

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, the path to success can often feel like a solitary one. Yet, amidst the chaos of business, there exists a beacon of support and guidance: mentorship. In the EO Melbourne Mentorship Program, transformative mentor-mentee relationships illuminate the profound impact of shared experiences and mutual learning.

One such tale unfolds between Jacob Spencer, Owner & Managing Director of Mobile Skips, and his mentor, Amanda Leigh Walker, Co-founder at Lord of the Fries, a life & personal development coach for women. Their mentorship journey was not just a series of meetings; it was a dynamic walk through the forests of insight, growth, and camaraderie. Instead of adding more to their already fully loaded  “to-do” lists, it was about cutting back, distilling ideas and practices down to their essence and refining their formula for success. 

Embracing the Journey: A Purpose-Driven Partnership

Although Jacob has previously engaged in the EO Mentorship Program, he opted to enrol once more for this intake, aiming to derive further benefits from the program. He shared, “I joined again because I was looking for different perspectives and experiences around things that I was going through and to have my blind spots opened up. I've always leaned into the idea that if you want to have a great business and a successful life with your family or personally, then you've got to start to work internally first. The mentorship program does that. It helps you focus on yourself and think about what you're getting from your endeavours and who you are as a person.”

It is also Amanda’s second round as a mentor in the Program. Her decision to participate again as a mentor stemmed from her love of learning from others while supporting them on their path. Together, they found a seamless connection rooted in their shared values of purpose-driven entrepreneurship. Their mentorship journey was characterised by service-mindedness, transforming business discussions into opportunities for personal and collective growth.

Walking the Talk: Lessons Learned Along the Path

Their sessions weren't confined by four walls; instead, they chose to meet for monthly walks and talks along Merri Creek. Through their exchanges, they unearthed many valuable lessons including embracing the whole path of reaching goals instead of focusing on the end game.

“On our walks, we don't have any distractions with devices, it's very informal. That, in itself, is excellent. We are completely present and in a space and mindset to have a really good open vulnerable discussion,” Jacob explained.

Amanda shared that she loved walking for the fact that “we get to enjoy the freedom of our business that allows us to get outside, open our minds and be creative, instead of tied to a desk.”

One of the key things that Jacob learned during his sessions, was that he has something valuable to offer others in every stage of goal creation. By sharing his journey with Amanda, together they were able to pull out nuggets of wisdom that would be valuable for people who are on the same path.

They found that the beginning, middle and end of any goal is equally as important as the finished product. To get to the finish line and only share the outcome is to miss the lessons along the way. We are all standing on the shoulders of others who have had to take the path to success. It can be messy and difficult to build it’s powerful too. Like in nature, the leaves are just as important as the roots. 

The Path Unfolds: Applying Insights for Growth

Another area they worked on together was the importance of aligning one’s business with personal values. Doing this resulted in a fresh understanding of Jacob’s corporate culture and purpose. “When you're leading a business and the heartbeat of the business comes from the culture that you bring, it starts with your values. I've seen that when I waver in my values or if I'm not using them to help guide the way we operate, the business and its people become misaligned quickly,” he stated.

Authentic Leadership 

A theme that ran through their sessions was about walking the talk and being an authentic leader. They share the similar idea that to be your best in business is to have a clear and positive outlook, an abundance mindset, be open to feedback, be willing to upgrade sluggish ideas, align personal and business values and create habits that anchor you to being your best self. To tell others to be on top of their game but not to practice the self-care and self-awareness required oneself is to be a hypocrite. In their mentorship, they held each other to those standards and encouraged congruence in the business.

Navigating the Terrain: Benefits of Mentorship

For Jacob, the EO Mentorship Program offered more than just guidance; it provided a platform for personal responsibility and vulnerability. By embracing these principles, Jacob unlocked the true potential of mentorship, leveraging it as a catalyst for self-discovery and growth. 

“To talk about the benefits, I'm going to bring it back to some of the core principles in EO and what we get out of the forum. We start with this wonderful gift that we have — somebody who is very experienced in business and life, who has been on a great journey and willing to give you time. Then it's up to the participant to get what they want out of it. The mentee is the person who should take responsibility for how they meet, what their discussions are about and what the goals are,” Jacob said. 

As for Amanda, she found fulfilment in supporting Jacob in his continued growth, relishing the opportunity to witness his evolution as an entrepreneur and individual. Amanda quipped, “It is a privilege to be a part of someone's journey, to be part of their business and life journey. It is an   to be able to walk with someone along  their path during this experience.” Not only that but Amanda was able to gain insight into her own business practices, values, and leadership by being with someone who embodies all that she strives to be: successful, humble, kind, aligned and service-minded. 

Walking Together: A Privilege and Honour

As Jacob and Amanda traversed the winding paths of mentorship, they discovered a profound truth: the journey is as enriching as the destination. Together, they embarked on a voyage of self-discovery, camaraderie, and shared growth, guided by the principles of purpose and authenticity. Their mentorship walks became more than just a physical activity; they symbolised a dynamic exploration of entrepreneurship, friendship, and the human spirit.