
Vitamins for you and your business

Sleepless nights, missed meals, fatigue and stress can cause illness and weaken your body. With so many people and an entire business relying on you as an entrepreneur, you need to take care of your health. To keep diseases away, taking vitamins regularly can boost your body. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.”

Short office exercises for busy people

When your day is spent sitting in front of your computer, and the only break you get is attending meetings left and right, your body slacks off, while it absorbs all the tension at work. With so many tasks, responsibilities and people vying for your attention, you may inadvertently skip your gym sessions or never be able to fit exercise in your busy schedule.

Endurance activities and Entrepreneurship

It is inevitable for entrepreneurs to feel exhaustion, fatigue, discouragement, frustration and despair in the course of the business journey. But in true entrepreneurial spirit, they bounce back and march again with more determination. Hence, a little bit of mental and emotional stretching is needed to build stamina, face challenges head-on and keep going towards the goal.

The importance of sleep to entrepreneurs

One of the things that most entrepreneurs give up whenever they enter the business world is sleep. Late nights and early mornings are devoted to checking e-mails and worrying over several business matters. Entrepreneurs have too many tasks and responsibilities that they have to sacrifice slumber so that they can bring their venture towards its goal. However, the amount of sleep lost is never a measure of success. It’s time to break that chain of thought and shift on the need for entrepreneurs to value sleep.

How to become a successful entrepreneur in the medical field

Getting a medical degree does not automatically makes one work in hospitals or pharmaceutical companies. It may be a specialised field, but there’s plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurship in this business space. There is a door in this industry that can lead you to the entrepreneurial journey.

Your diet, your business and you

The holiday parties may have you binging on food that it’s time to shed the unwanted fats and get into shape. The new year calls for a new you – a better and healthier version of yourself. You may want to hit the gym, do some physical activities, or watch your diet. But it’s always good to do some research before you decide the right course for you, as a particular activity or diet may pose risks to your health.

Jason Scher’s energy boosters for entrepreneurs

Speaking from experience, VÖOST co-Founder and Orange & Green Director Jason Scher affirmed that there are many difficulties that business owners encounter along the entrepreneurial journey. “Every single day, you're going to be challenged with something that will make you think, ‘I'm not good enough. It is not working.’ Then, you start to have those thoughts of quitting,” he said. It takes a lot of effort, time, resources and inspiration to start a business and see it through.