
What quirky hobbies do entrepreneurs have?

Hobbies can help an individual learn new things, acquire additional knowledge, declutter the mind, bond with people who share the same interest, and warm the heart. Hobbies are beneficial to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of a person, especially to entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Intriguingly, some entrepreneurs have quirky hobbies that show us their fun side that we do not get to see most often. EO Melbourne members share their interests when they’re not on their laptops immersed in their business.

10 Hobbies for entrepreneurs

The stress and pressures of work can often get into you, sometimes ruining your mood or affecting your physical, emotional and mental state of well-being. Indulging yourself in hobbies can relax your mind and bring joy to your heart. But when you are too preoccupied in your business with no time for other things, you may be at a loss on the type of hobby you can start.