Three Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

Jacob Spencer, Owner and Managing Director of Mobile Skips, cites the various virtues that he finds useful when leading a team. Among them, he names three qualities – persistence, patience and resilience – as the most significant in shaping him to become who he is today. He shared, “There are many, many traits and attributes that have helped me on my journey as a business leader.  On reflection, I believe these three have been the most important and have had the biggest impact on me.”

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“Having started my working life flipping burgers at McDonald's, I was exposed early on to the stories of Ray Kroc and his successes (and failures) in building the McDonald's brand late in his working life. Ray’s consistent and persistent drive to succeed, regardless of the hurdles, failures and unexpected setbacks, was inspirational. When problems arise, and they initially seem impossible to navigate, having the faith to persevere and persist and believing in our goal has helped ensure I keep moving forward and leading the team through uncertain times,” he remarked.


According to Jacob, “This one goes hand-in-hand with persistence.  A couple of years ago, I accepted that if I truly wanted a business that ran without my operational input and daily direction, I needed to invest the majority of my time in developing the team and the systems, then have patience in waiting for the outcome. This has been the hardest lesson, as many times my lack of patience has led to a setback—in the heat of the moment, when I see the solution I can’t help myself but to jump in and take over, eroding the hard-won progress already made.”


“The last 6 months have thrown more at us than anytime I can imagine.  And, what's more, there is no delineation between the impact at home and in business. Recently, I heard someone reflecting on tough times, ‘without darkness, there is no light and without sadness, there can be no happiness’.  Difficult times are guaranteed, but so are the happier ones afterwards. Facing problems, recognising difficulties and enduring them have helped me realise that we are all much more resilient than we think and that I’ve still got a long way to go,” he acknowledged.

When faced with challenges and difficulties, Jacob finds that having persistence, patience and resilience enables him to meet them head-on with confidence and determination. These and many good qualities are necessary for those who aim to achieve their goals and reach the peak of success.

What positive traits do you want to build up in yourself? What characteristics have you found helpful when taking the entrepreneurial journey? Share your thoughts below.