Taking care of your skin, taking care of your business

Our skin is our body’s first line of defence against harmful elements around us. It’s the first thing that people see, which is why many people want to maintain youthful skin for their looks.  We need to care for our skin, not only for beauty but more so for our health and wellbeing.


If you liken it to your business, your brand – your name, logo, colours, font, tagline, values – is one of the first things that consumers will consider when making a purchasing decision. How do you keep your business and brand on a top shape so that your customers will trust and patronise you?

There are skin care tips that you can interpret and apply when it comes to caring for your business.

Know the type of your skin

Before you take action and opt for a good regimen for your skin, it is important to first know the type of skin you have and how it reacts to various conditions. One of the reasons for skin damage is applying products that are not compatible with one’s skin type.

Know your business well, including the industry where you belong, your competitors and your clientele. You can come up with a successful marketing plan if you know your brand by heart. Always do your research and analyse the data available that can help in drafting your marketing plan. Moreover, don’t ignore your gut feeling. When something seems to be not right, look for the cause and make sure to address it immediately.

Consult a dermatologist or a skin expert

Don’t self-medicate. It’s best to consult a dermatologist or skin expert to determine your skin’s needs and how it reacts to particular products or situations. When problems arise, have yourself checked up to ensure proper medication and medical guidance.

Having a mentor who can guide you on your entrepreneurial journey is a huge help in your growth and that of your business. Learn from the experiences and lessons of those who have gone ahead of you on the journey. Listen to their stories and take them with you when you go back to your team.

Protect your skin from harsh elements

Too much exposure to the sun, cold, wind, pollution and other harsh components in our environment can harm our body’s outer layer. Apart from avoiding such conditions, always put sunscreen on your face rain or shine. Cover your skin depending on the weather.

Always have several back-up plans. Consider the right insurance and safety nets for your business in case unforeseen circumstances occur. It helps if you have emergency plans or exit strategies that you can turn to when the need arises. Install security measures in your physical and online space, as well as in your workflow and operations. Do a background check on your suppliers and applications and have proper documents in place for every transaction. In addition, prepare a PR plan for possible crisis scenarios.

Cleanse regularly

Wash up in the morning and before going to bed. Makeup, dust, smoke, oil and other pollutants may irritate your skin, so be sure to cleanse your face and neck every day. They can cause acne, wrinkles, spots and rashes that may lead to skin cancer and other diseases.

Do regular clean-ups in your business, not just in your office space, but also in the way you do things. Audit your finances, assets, people, clients, products and various aspects of your enterprise. Get rid of unnecessary things and be quick to let go of those that may affect your brand or hinder the progress of your business.

Choose the right products for your skin

It is not advisable to put too many products on your skin. When you put products on your face, start from the thinnest to the thickest, from toner to moisturiser. Do a trial first and see if there are no negative reactions on your skin. Read the label and follow instructions well.

There are many tools, applications and software that you can use in running your business. There are also various media that you can utilise in marketing and promoting your brand, products and services. Study their different features and choose the ones that will fit the needs of your venture.

Drink water often, eat right and sleep well

How we take good care of our entire body, particularly our inner organs radiates to our skin. Eat food that is rich in vitamins. Drink water regularly and get enough sleep. When your body is nourished, so will be your skin. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to achieve that youthful glow.

Teambuilding sessions, planning activities and celebrating victories, big or small, can motivate your people. Develop a corporate culture where everyone thrives and come up with healthy corporate practices that promote your company’s values.

Don’t stress yourself

Stress is one of the factors that can cause wrinkles and illnesses. It can make you look old. Don’t hold onto stress, Instead, release it by sweating it out or enjoying your favourite hobby or form of relaxation.

Step away from your business from time to time. Owning a business can be overwhelming, especially with the responsibilities that come with it. Take time for a vacation. Even your business can use its slow time or off-peak season for auditing and planning. Schedule your events an marketing campaigns sparingly. To be effective in your communications strategy, limit the messages you convey to your audience so that they don’t appear as noise.